#203 Fabio in Taipei

Fabio 是我的好同事與朋友,那天我們陪他去訂做襯衫。在台北這個東方城市,有位遠道而來的老外讓來自上海的西裝師傅量身做衣服,對他、對老闆來說,都是新鮮的經驗。而我其實是陪客,負責在一旁隨手用手機記錄下這件事情。


Fabio is my good colleague and friend, we went to tailor shop to measure his shirt. It is fresh experience for him or shop owner to measure his shirt in this city. I accompanied him and recorded all by my iPhone.

Tomorrow, I will go to Tamsui with him again because he would like to be my exhibition. So I use this one as my 203rd photo on my blog.

Fabio in Taipei
